This is how I generally prefer to send emails these days because the user sends the email from their own personal account so Google will not consider it spam. This only works if you are okay with them knowing you are sending an email because they have to push send manually. This is great for something like a bug report or maybe sharing a friend code with their buddy. public void BugReport() { string email = ""; string subject = "Technical Bug - DAD - " + System.Environment.UserName; string logsSpaced = ServiceLocator.instance.GetService().GetLogs().Replace("\n", spacing); string body = MyEscapeURL( "[Type a description of the bug here] " + spacing + "Please include the below stacktrace for Matthew to debug the issue..." + spacing + GetSpecs() + spacing + " " + spacing //+ PlayerPrefs.GetString("SaveData", "") + spacing + logsSpaced + spacing ); // The mailto keyword here will tell the device to open the default email application OpenLink( "mailto:" + email + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body ); } // It's a good idea to remove spaces and pluses in your email because they can be problematic on Apple devices string MyEscapeURL( string url ) { url = WWW.EscapeURL( url ).Replace( "+", "%20" ).Replace( " ", "%20" ); return url; } public static void OpenLink( string link ) { Screen.fullScreen = false; string linkNoSpaces = link.Replace(" ", "%20"); Debug.Log( "Opening link: " + linkNoSpaces ); // Max link size if ( linkNoSpaces.Length > 10000 ) linkNoSpaces = linkNoSpaces.Substring( 0, 10000 ) + "-X"; Application.OpenURL( linkNoSpaces ); }