Game Development Tutorials
Serialization & Encryption
Serialization (JSON and XML) and Encryption (AES) |
Fyber Unity Integration
Download a CSV of Google-Translated terms! Then propagate those translations to every text in your game! |
Singletons & Service Locators
De-Coupling patterns with implementation examples in Unity |
Advanced Unity UI Techniques
A few tricks for dealing with pesky Unity UI problems. |
Converting a Twine Story to Unity
An incredibly lightweight pipeline to play your twine story in unity. |
A Gamedev Engineer’s Super Duper Study Sheet
Everything I have learned from several years of dozens of interviews, summarized into a very concise reference sheet. |
Creating a Resume
Creating a concise yet appealing resume is one of the most important parts of landing a job in game development. This tutorial covers the key points of making an excellent resume. |
Downloading Google Sheets
Using Google Sheets we can store and edit our data to make live changes to our games! This tutorial covers how to download CSV's from Google Sheets and then parse them for data! |
Collecting User Feedback
Using Google Forms and Emails we can collect expert user feedback! This tutorial covers opening a user's client email program as well as two ways to direct data to Google Forms! |
Sending Emails From Your Unity Game
Ever wanted to send emails from your Unity Indie Game? This tutorial covers two ways including direct emails through the C# .Net and forwarding the message through an server-hosted php script. |